JEF Europe and JEF Belgium are launching the call for the XXVI JEF Europe – European Congress which will take place in
Liège, Belgium
from 19 to 21 November 2021

JEF Europe European Congress

Liège, Belgium | 19 – 21 November 2021

Practical information


Participation Fee:

  • 80€ for OBSERVERS: to be paid by bank transfer AFTER THE CONFIRMATION from JEF Europe Secretariat (confirmation will be received on 13/10/2021 at the latest)
  • 65€ for outgoing FC members staying 3 nights (Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights)
  • 50€ for all other participants staying 2 nights (Friday and Saturday nights)
  • 30€ for participants who don’t need accommodation covered by JEF in Liège
  • The registration fee covers two nights (19-21 November 2021) in a shared bedroom and all meals from Friday lunch to Sunday lunch. Three nights are covered for members of the outgoing FC (directly elected FC members and 1 international officer per national section of JEF).
  • Participation fees of automatically selected participants (national delegates, FC members, EB members) have to be paid by 13/10/2021 (questions for clarification or proof of payment to be sent by email to 
  • Payments must be sent to: 
    • Bank: Fortis BNP Paribas
    • Account holder: JEF AISBL 
    • Account number: 001-1128794-81 
    • IBAN number: BE36 0011 1287 9481 
  • Don’t forget to write “name surname Congress 2021” in the transaction message

Other information:

  • You can find the number of delegates allocated to each section here: JEF Europe EUCO 21 – Delegates list
  • Please book your flights ONLY after receiving the official confirmation from the Secretariat! Preferable arrival/departure times are Friday (19/11) before lunch and Sunday (21/11) evening.
  • OBSERVERS from JEF CANDIDATE SECTIONS may apply as well. Should the section be officially recognised during the Congress, this section has the right to 1 DELEGATE, meaning that the section should select his/her representative in advance (Rules of Procedure say (§ II.2.d).
  • Language: the Congress will be held in English
  • COVID-19: with regards to the COVID-19 health situation, JEF Europe will only accept participants who are either fully vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19. This will be attested by their EU Digital Covid Certificate (if applicable: if you did not get vaccinated in a country issuing the EU Digital Covid Certificate, please attest your vaccination status with the certificate provided by your national authority). If you have an underlying medical condition preventing you from being vaccinated, please get in touch with us, and we will assess the different situations on an individual basis.