Numerous JEFers commit themselves every day to make Europe a better place, motivated by a profound belief that Europe is our common future.

They are young people that believe they can and will make a change in how the European Union develops.

They are European citizens that voluntarily spend their free time to keep the European dream alive, share it with others and make it a reality.

As federalists, they are convinced that only European democracy can enable a more free, just and democratic society and that European democracy is created and protected through active Citizenship.

We are convinced that Citizenship is not just something European citizens have, but also something they should DO. Nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the society we live in.

As a movement of young citizens, JEF only exists through the contributions of its volunteers. On this page, you can meet some of the people that willingly donate their free time to the struggle for a more democratic, just and free Europe.

Executive Board

The Executive Board (EB) comprises the President, two Vice-Presidents, four directly elected members, the Treasurer and the Secretary General.

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Federal Committee

The Federal Committee (FC)  is the main decision-making body between the European Congresses, it meets twice per year and decides on the political directions of the organisation.

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European Secretariat

The European Secretariat is JEF’s public administration. The Secretary General is in charge of the European Secretariat of the association.

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Arbitration Board

The Arbitration Board settles statutory conflicts between members, JEF sections and statutory bodies of JEF.

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Auditors Committee

The Auditors Committee verifies the accounts of the association at least once a year. It is composed of at least two members and a maximum of three, elected by the Congress.

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Executive Board

The Executive Board (EB) comprises the President, two Vice-Presidents, four directly elected members, the Treasurer and the Secretary-General.

The EB meets four to six times a year and is responsible for the overall management of the organisation. The EB members each hold specific 1) organisational, 2) geographic and 3) thematic/political responsibilities, which you can find below. They are always happy to answer to your questions so please feel free to contact them at [firstname].[lastname]

Executive Board Responsibilities

• Strengthening the organisational development of JEF Europe via specific portfolios.
• Coordination of the preparation of the international seminars together with the organising section and the Secretariat.
• Preparation of, assistance to and follow-up on the work of the PCs and/or WGs assigned and participation in the PC’s and WG’s sessions during the FC meeting.

• Ensuring regular contacts with sections, among others, by exchanging detailed contact details.
• Encouraging sections to take part in different activities and contribute to JEF Europe’s work.
• Visiting the sections or taking part in their statutory meetings or activities, if possible.

• Monitoring the policy areas assigned, writing articles on them and preparing press releases together with the Press responsible.
• Being the contact person for JEFers who have information on these policy areas or wish to discuss certain issues

Executive Board Members

Christelle Savall


Policies: Elections 2024, Treaty Change, Enlargement, European Electoral Act

Priorities: EurHope, press and advocacy, external communication

Projects: CompletEU

Sections: Austria, Cyprus, Norway

Contact Christelle

Xesc Mainzer


Policies: Banking Union, Eurozone, Free Movement / Schengen, Space

Priorities: Federalist Academy (FA), Don't touch my Schengen, Alumni

Projects: Workplan 2024

Sections: Croatia, France, Georgia, Hungary, Luxembourg

Contact Xesc

Martin B. Penov


Policies: Eastern Partnership, Rule of Law, Security and Defense,

Priorities: EUkraine, Democracy under Pressure (DuP), TNF

Projects: Check' Europe

Sections: Albania, Moldova, Romania

Contact Martin

Aléxandros Apostolidis

Policies: Civic Education, Social Policy, World Federalism

Priorities: Finances, Policy papers

Projects: Mobilise Europe = Engaging Together (MEET)

Sections: Czech Republic, Germany, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia

Contact Alexandros

Kati Systä

Executive Board Member

Policies: Inclusion, US-EU, Youth Policy

Priorities: 4 years strategy

Projects: Co-operation Youth Vote (COYV)

Sections: Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Sweden

Contact Kati

Nikos Chircop

Executive Board Member

Policy: Africa- EU relations, Health, Migration, Trade

Priorities: Communication - Internal

Project: Migrant & Refugee Youth COMMunication and advocacy for equity and inclusion (MYCOMM)

Sections: Belgium, Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands

Contact Nikos

Hanna Lein-Mathisen

Executive Board Member

Policies: Brexit / EU-UK relations, China-EU relations, Climate Crisis / Environment, Energy

Priorities: Europe - What if?

Projects: WE - Words of Europe

Sections: Ireland, Portugal, Serbia, United Kingdom

Contact Hanna

Alexiane Terrochaire--Barbançon

Executive Board Member

Policies: Digital / Technology, EU Budget

Project: Digital Rights in Europe Citizenship Today (DIRECT)

Priorities: Next generation JEF, Communication - Database

Sections: Bulgaria, Finland, Malta, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland

Contact Alexiane

Brigita Krasniqi

Secretary General

Internal Priorities: General Administration, Human Resources, Project Management, Organisation of Statutory Meetings, JEF Pool of Trainers, Pimp My JEF, EYF WP2024, TF Civic Education

External Priorities: Civil Society Europe, Friends of JEF, European Youth Forum

Federal Committee

The Federal Committee (FC) meets twice a year and is responsible for formulating JEF resolutions policies. It is the main decision-making body between the European Congresses. The Federal Committee is mainly composed of one representative of each national section of JEF and 16 members elected directly by the Congress. This allows JEF to combine national representatives with directly elected European representatives united in one assembly (instead of 2 different chambers) – federalism in practice!

All FC members together are interacting with the Executive Bureau (EB) like a parliament interacts with a government and holds it accountable. Each of the 16 directly elected members of the FC is also responsible for one area of political or organisational activity being the (co-)chair of one of the Political Commissions or Task Forces respectively.

Structure of the Federal Committee

The Presidium consists of three members that are responsible for chairing the FC meetings and also coordinating and steering the work and activities of the Political Commissions and Task Forces in-between the FC meetings by providing input and distributing the tasks.

The national delegates are the representatives from the sections and they are responsible for bridging the European level with the national, regional and local levels by: transmitting information from JEF Europe to the sections & encouraging their own members to participate in the debates and other activities of JEF Europe.

These members are independent from sections and are responsible for making substantial contributions to the elaboration of political messages by submitting draft resolutions to the FC.

The Congress is the supreme body of JEF and represents all JEF members. You could consider the Congress as the representation of the citizens of JEF. It meets every two years. It is composed of delegates elected by JEF national sections. The congress elects most mandate holders of JEF (the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the members of the Executive Board, the directly elected members of the Federal Committee, the Arbitration Board and the Auditors Committee). The Congress also defines the political direction of JEF and its policies by discussing and formulating the Political Platform.

EB members are also part of the FC since they are holding voting rights, except for the Secretary-General.

According to the official Rules of Procedure, Observers are JEF members who are present at statutory meetings but not in the capacity of delegates and thus without a voting right. They consist of, among others, representatives from candidate sections. Observers with important organisational duties can ask the Presidium to be incorporated in the Google Group of the FC email list.

Members directly elected from the Congress

Gergana Blazheva

Federal Committee Member

Gergana is a member of the Federal Committee Presidium.

Contact Gergana

Robin Mudry

Federal Committee Member

Robin is a member of the Federal Committee Presidium

Contact Robin

Jana Gleim

Federal Committee Member

Jana is a member of the Federal Committee Presidium.

Contact Jana

Antoine Chabal

Federal Committee Member

Antoine is Co-Chair of TF Civic Education.

Contact Antoine

Élise Magne

Federal Committee Member

Élise is Co-Chair of TF Civic Education

Contact Élise

Anna van de Moosdijk

Federal Committee Member

Anna is Co-Chair of TF Capacity Building.

Contact Anna

Julianne Vella

Federal Committee Member

Julianne is Co-Chair of TF Empowerment & Diversity

Contact Julianne

María Martínez López

Federal Committee Member

María is Co-Chair of TF Empowerment & Diversity

Contact María

Samuel Tammekann

Federal Committee Member

Samuel is Co-Chair of Political Commission 3 (External Affairs and Global Governance).

Contact Samuel

Federico Tosi

Federal Committee Member

Federico is Co-Chair of Political Commission 3 (External Affairs and Global Governance).

Contact Federico

Mădălin-Cătălin Blidaru

Federal Committee Member

Mădălin is Co-Chair of Political Commission 2 (Internal European Affairs).

Contact Mădălin

Melanie Thut

Federal Committee Member

Melanie is Co-Chair of TF European Elections

Contact Melanie

Chiara Bertolli

Federal Committee Member

Chiara is Co-Chair of Political Commission 1 (Institutions & Governance).

Contact Chiara

Mirko Ondras

Federal Committee Member

Mirko is Co-Chair of Political Commission 1 (Institutions & Governance).

Contact Mirko

Benedikte Svendsen

Federal Committee Member

Benedikte is Co-Chair of TF Communication.

Contact Benedikte

Sofie Rebekka Schlüter Knauer

Federal Committee Member

Sofie is Co-Chair of TF Communication.

Contact Sofie

Co-Opted Federal Committee members

Benedetta Veneruso

Federal Committee Member

Benedetta is Co-Chair of TF Capacity Building.

Contact Benedetta

Sorcha Ní Chonghaile

Federal Committee Member

Sorcha is Co-Chair of Political Commission 2 (Internal European Affairs).

Contact Sorcha

European Secretariat

The European Secretariat is JEF’s public administration. The Secretary General is in charge of the European Secretariat of the association. S/he is responsible for relations with the sections of JEF Europe and the coordination of their activities. S/he is appointed by the Executive Board and ratified by the Federal Committee for a term of two years.

Brigita Krasniqi

Secretary General

Contact Brigita
Sophie Lopez

Project Coordinator

Contact Sophie
Loubna Reguig

Communication and Membership Officer

Contact Loubna
Júlia Cañas

Policy and Projects Assistant

Contact Júlia
Become our finance and admin officer!

Finance and Administration Officer


Arbitration Board

The Arbitration Board settles statutory conflicts between members, JEF sections and statutory bodies of JEF. Its five members elected by the Congress take their decisions by simple majority. The entire Arbitration Board can be reached on: arbitration(at)

Maija Maunu

Flavia-Gabriela Sandu

Ignacio Esteban Avedaño

Knut André Sande

Mariasophia Falcone

Auditors Committee

The Auditors Committee verifies the accounts of the association at least once a year. It is composed of at least two members and a maximum of three, elected by the Congress. You can contact them at auditors(at)

Célia Marie Fonvieille

Patrick L. von Wildenradt

Mathilde Contensou

Permanent Contact Persons

The Permanent Contact Persons are dedicated to ensuring safety and feeling of safety across the association and can be contacted online at any time.
Sorcha Ní Chonghaile (, Samuel Tammekann ( and Helena Robert i Campos ( can be contacted through email or the anonymous form below should you wish to contact them anonymously.

Code of ConductAnonymous contact formProtection guidelines for minors