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The impulse of young people generates ideas and brings a breath of fresh air in European political discussions. JEF encourages critical thinking and welcomes young people from all over the European continent, who share a vision of united and democratic Europe and are open to different cultures. Support us!
10 Reasons to donate to JEF Europe!
You believe in the mission, vision and values of JEF Europe and you think all our projects are important, but you are not sure it is enough to help us? Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider donating to JEF Europe.
1- A policy and grassroots impact. JEF Europe is a pro-European non-partisan network that aims at the same time to shape European policies and to have a direct positive impact on young European citizens.
2- A quality stamp. our projects already approved by the European Commission and the Council of Europe have been through highly competitive selection processes.
3- A youth network, by young people, for young people. JEF Europe members, volunteers, board and staff are all under 35 years old. By supporting JEF, you support a truly youth-led network.
4- Transparency is at the core of our management processes. Not only public funders require high standards in project management, but these principles are closely tied to our vision of using public funding.
5- Good governance and democracy are rooted in our way of doing things. These are principles we believe in for Europe and for ourselves. For over 40 years, we have developed uncompromising standards for our internal good governance and democracy principles.
6- Volunteering is at the heart of all our projects. We offer high level of engagement and responsibility to our volunteers. Our project are co-led by staff and volunteers. The staff of JEF Europe is composed of engaged young European activists.
7- Cost efficiency is part of our DNA. As a youth network, we have learnt to achieve more with less. Our logistics are always youth-friendly and the amount of volunteer-time put in all our projects is considerable.
8- Small investment for an optimal and long-lasting impact. 80% of our current projects are already funded, the co-financing expected allows a small investment to highly increase the impact of our project.
9- High visibility and dissemination potential is ensured. As one of the leading pan-European youth networks, composed of 15 000 members, our projects are shared among wide networks of young citizens and all other youth networks.
10- Sustainability and long-term investment. From project to programmes, we seek sustainability in the projects we develop. We are aiming at developing the capacities of our members to make our projects functioning on the long term
Where will the money go?
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Donations are an important part of the funding mix of NGOs. They allow to complement, in a more flexible way, the public funding we receive through European grants. The money received through donations will contribute to the co-financing of our different projects as the EU and other organisations are very rarely financing the entire budget of our projects. It will also help us develop our general operational capacities and provide real support to the wider JEF network.
To discover our on-going activities, click on Activities in the main menu.
How to proceed with the donation?
How to proceed with the donation? Two options!
Hover over ‘Support’ above and then click ‘Donate’. Or just click on the big button below!
Otherwise, we warmly invite you to transfer a contribution of your choice to the JEF Europe bank account. Don’t forget to mention “donation” in the title. With your generous support, the Young European Federalists will be able to continue working for the construction of a more democratic and united Europe.
JEF Europe bank details
Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis
Account holder: JEF AISBL
Account number: 001-1128794-81
IBAN number: BE36 0011 1287 9481
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