
JEF is made up of members working together to promote the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace and a more free, just and democratic society. Our local and regional sections are grouped under National Sections.

We also have several Candidate Sections, formed by JEF Europe, that are active in countries where no registered section exists. After organising successful activities, a group of activists (known as an Interest Group) can apply for candidate status during a JEF Europe statutory meeting. If the section remains active during the next 2 years and consistently upholds JEF’s policies and spirit, they can apply as a full member section during the next statutory meeting.

National Sections

The JEF community consists of activists all around Europe, whether they’re individual members of JEF or part of local or national sections. When speaking of our members, we mean our national and local sections. These sections actively promote the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace and a more free, just and  democratic society. To find out more about these sections, check them out below.

JEF Albania

JEF in Albania (Federalistët e Rinj në Shqipëri), operating in Albania since 2020, is a non-governmental, non-partisan, pro-European youth organisation. We aim to promote youth activism on essential EU issues and values such as respect for human rights, rule of law and democracy, youth civic participation, internet governance etc.

With Albania being an EU candidate country, we also seek to raise awareness about the European Union and Albania’s path toward EU integration including the benefits and consequences as well as youth participation.

Kleidi Memo


Brunilda Brati

Vice President & Head of Communications and PR

Kostian Jano

Head of International Affairs and Partnerships

Brandon Muhedini

Head of Finances

Klodian Buçiza

Head of Recruitment and Memberships


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Social Media:

JEF Austria

JEF-Austria (Bund Europäischer Jugend / Junge Europäische Föderalisten Österreich) is an independent, above party lines and non-denominational youth organization that campaigns for a peaceful and united Europe for more than 50 years. Together with our associated organizations and regional sections we are the biggest, pro-European network of Austria. Therefore, we are the contact person for young people for any European and international activities with a emphasis or focus on political education about Europe.

Eleftheria Walzer


Kati Schneeberger

Secretary General


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Social Media:

JEF Belgium

JEF Belgium helps young people find their place in the EU. By organising street actions, guided tours, debates, and seminars, we try to make sure that young people are aware the issues in Europe today and the future.

At a political level, we advocate for a more federal Europe and a more European Belgium. Our local sections in Brussels, Liège and Leuven make sure that there are JEF activities in your city. By becoming a JEF member, you have the chance to participate in several international seminars – being involved in JEF also means making friends all around Europe!

Mara Grimminger


Daniel Schäfer

Secretary General

Marta Grosso & Sveatoslav Beglita

International Officers

Inès Lejeune

Executive Board Member


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Bulgaria

EYM-Bulgaria is a national youth organisation, which unites young people between 18 and 35-year old throughout the country interested in our main areas.

Our key Objectives:

    • To promote European values in Bulgaria, friendship and peace, dialogue, understanding and co-operation for social and economic development that furthers the well-being of all Europeans;
    • To implement projects focusing on European integration, civic education, human rights protection, intercultural dialogue, international youth exchange;
    • To organise educational seminars, training courses, forums and national, regional and international conferences on different issues

EYM Bulgaria is a national section of the Young European Federalists (JEF Europe).

Mustafa Hadzhisuleiman


Dimitar Uzunov

International Officer

Mirela Zareva

Secretary General

Simeon Bonev



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Social Media:

JEF Croatia

JEF Croatia (Mladi Europski Federalisti), founded in Zagreb in 1997, is a non-governmental, non-partisan, pro-European youth organisation. By organizing a variety of seminars, workshops, debates and projects, we seek to promote values such as European identity, equality, subsidiarity and youth participation.

With Croatia being the youngest member of the EU, we also seek to raise awareness about the EU and Croatia’s relations with Europe, especially among youth.

Mateo Ptičar


Borna Lozo


Kristijan Orešković

International Officer

Valentina Valjak

Secretary General


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Social Media:

JEF Czech Republic

JEF Czech Republic (Mladi Evropané CZ) consider JEF CZ as a fellowship of people of various backgrounds, but of people with common interest: support of the European integration. Czech JEF section is a small one. The benefit of this is that we put big emphasis on informal, personal relations in our section.

We try to organise interesting, meaningful events, not just “actions for actions”. None of us is a “professional European activist” and very few of us are students of European studies – on the contrary we have various jobs and studies (engineering, business studies, law etc.), so we organise things that are enriching and fun for us as well: informal debates with guests, debates among us, international events with JEF Passau and with other JEF groups.

Armin Sumansky


Radka Malcová & Jakub Slejska


Šimon Úradník

Secretary General

Pavel Liška & Jiří Poupa

Executive Board Members


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Denmark

JEF-Denmark (Europæisk Ungdom Danmark) is a youth organization for people with an interest and a passion for Europe, the EU and European politics. Our organisation seeks to inform the public in general and young people in particular about the EU and to intensify the EU debate in Denmark.

We believe that Europe’s countries face many challenges that are best solved by co-operation through the European Union. We want to transcend the for/against EU debate and to discuss concrete problems and concrete solutions instead. Furthermore we work towards getting rid of the infamous Danish opt-outs!

Jakob Wind


Caroline Kokholm-Jørgensen

International Officer

Katrine Skyum

Political Secretary

Hana Szlachtová

Communications Officer

Rosa Borrás Reig

Executive Board Member

Laura Bo Kanstrup

Executive Board Member


Write to JEF Denmark!

Website and Social Media:

JEF Estonia

JEF Estonia (Noored Euroopa Föderalistid Eesti) is a non-partisan youth organisation in Estonia that aims to bring together all young people who share a passion for a stronger, united and federal Europe. We work to promote and uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, peace, human rights, and the freedom of speech and the press. With strong local cooperation in Estonia, we strive to raise civic awareness and engagement among the youth to bring the issues of society to the forefront of public discussion and empower them to take action and be a part of changing society for the better.

We strive to be as inclusive as we can and make the debate of Europe and society approachable to anyone to make sure everyone gets to participate and have a voice. Our work has also included projects with human rights activists from Iran, Belarus and Ukraine, charity drives for the 2023 earthquake victims in Turkey, organisations working for LGBTQ+ rights and people afflicted with HIV, promoting better mental health in society and upholding the human rights and international law in Palestine & Israel.

Selbi Komekova

Events Manager

Susie McAdam

Grants Officer

Hunter Neary

Executive Board Member


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Social Media:

JEF Finland

JEF Finland (Eurooppanuoret) is a politically and religiously unaffiliated youth organisation that unites youth from all over Finland to discuss, debate and influence European affairs. Our aim is to bring the EU closer to the Finnish youth in a fun and interesting way.

JEF-Finland is a member of Young European Federalists Europe (JEF) and a sister organisation and integral part of the European Movement Finland (Eurooppalainen Suomi).

All under 29-year-olds living in Finland can join JEF Finland. We arrange various activities to promote awareness about EU-related issues, take part in the work of JEF-Europe and promote pro-EU campaigns in Finland. Eurooppanuoret is also the publisher of the Finnish EU-magazine “Tähdistö”, “Stardom”.

The main objectives for the association’s operation are:

  • To promote the public discussion on EU and its development;
  • To deepen EU knowledge and familiarize the Finnish youth with the ideological, political and economical basics of the unification;
  • To motivate the citizens, especially the young voters, to take part in the EP Finnish representatives’ election; and
  • To promote the knowledge of European culture and cultural exchange.

Nea Baarman


Santeri Anttila

Political Advocacy

Emma Jama

Project Coordinator

Riina Lumme

General Secretary

Lilli Louhikoski

Political Advocacy and Communications

Aino Palm

Project Coordinator

Pieta Päivänen

Vice president, international officer, project coordinator

Emmi-Julia Lehtonen

Events and Communications

Joonatan Pöntinen

Vice president, events and communications

Niko Pitkänen


Malla Rahkola

International Officer


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Website and Social Media:

JEF France

JEF-France (Les Jeunes Européens-France) founded in 1992, gathers approximately 1300 members spread out in more than 25 local sections all over France henceforth. With a strong diversity of projects such as “Europe Par les Jeunes”, “Europe en Vacances”, national and international seminars, the webzine Le Taurillon, we are spreading the federalist vision of Europe all over France.

With a strong emphasis put on civic education on the EU citizenship, our volunteers intervene to explain the EU and the European federalism in local and national events, in schools, and even at the beach.

Laure Niclot


Angèle Couëllan

Vice-president in charge of local development & the European City Labe

Adrien Delpiroux

Vice President

Erwan Laurent

International Officer

Suzie Holt

Editor-in-chief of Le Taurillon

Lucas Nitzsche 

Co-Editor-in-Chief of Le Taurillon

Aurore Laloux 

Secretary General

Giacomo Bucero Lanzi

Head of the Europe at School program

Ylona Ngono Essimi

Head of Internal Communications

Paul Russeil

Officer in charge of exterla communication

Camille Taboulot

Head of antennas and relaunch

Emilie Gaychet

Head of local development - East

Chloé Bonin

Head of local development - West


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Germany

JEF Germany (Junge Europäische Föderalisten Deutschland) is a non-partisan youth organisation which promotes a deeper European integration.

Since 1946 we believe in the vision of a European state to achieve democracy, freedom, security and prosperity for all Europeans.

With approximately 4000 members organised in regional sections covering all federal countries in Germany we organise local, regional, national and international seminars, actions and debates all over Germany to spread and support the European idea. Find out where your local section is and join us!

Clara Föller


Emmeline Charenton

Federal Secretary

Tobias von Gostomski

Vice-President & International Officer

Friedel Pape, Paula Gehrs, Janis Fifka


Mathias Staudenmaier



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Website and Social Media:

JEF Greece

JEF Greece is a youth organisation promoting a federal, effective and democratic Europe, able to meet present and future challenges. At a local level, JEF Greece organizes activism actions, educational seminars, and conferences on European topics. Moreover, they promote European identity and provide a platform for political education for young Europeans. JEF Greece has 2 local branches: in Athens (and Piraeus) and Thessaloniki.

Christos Tsertsenes


Ioakim Delimitrou

Secretary General

Dimitris Athanasiadis

Head of PR and International Officer


Write to JEF Greece!

Linktree and Application Form:

JEF Hungary

JEF Hungary is working to bring the European Union closer to the Hungarian youth and to foster an intergenerational dialogue on European issues. It stands for transparency, democratic values, and condemns all actions violating the rule of law. It organises debates, webinars, and workshops to educate the young generation in Hungary in the belief that a comprehensive knowledge of European affairs is indispensable to understand the challenges and issues of our world.

Balázs Sean Brandt


Balázs László

Secretary General

Hanna Velner


Balázs KomáromiHanna Jordanics

International Officers

Noémi Pongrácz

Internal Vice-President

Fanni Spitzmüller

Project Coordinator

Ion Ozun

External Vice-President

Marcell PogányMihály BudaiBenjámin Sebestyén Sinka

Events Team


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Social Media:

JEF Ireland


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Social Media:

JEF Italy

JEF-Italy (Gioventù Federalista Europea – GFE) is an independent non-partisan youth organization founded in 1951. GFE members range in age between 16 and 30. Activities are organized on various levels by local and regional sections, as well as by the national centre (board and secretariat).

GFE encourages participation of its members in international activities such as seminars, debates and pan-European actions. GFE is also a founding member of the Italian youth forum.

Sara Bertolli


Giorgia Sorrentino

Secretary General


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Kosovo

JEF-Kosova (Federalistët e Rinj Europian) was established in May 2003 by a group of young people from Kosovo and with direct support of JEF Europe.It is non-partisan and nondenominational organisation .The main reason for founding the organisation was enabling young people of Kosovo to unite and understand the essence of Europe as a union of people, ideas, and common goals.

JEF Kosova is committed to the fight for a democratic society where people actively participate.

JEF Kosova have implemented projects regarding visa liberalisation, immigration reform, judicial reform and implementing EC progress report recommendations and many projects related with youth, democracy and human rights.

Leutrim Ahmeti


Era Jashari

International Officer


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Latvia

“Club “The House” – youth for a united Europe” is the only youth non-governmental organisation in Latvia, that informs and educates youth about different aspects of European Union.

Our organisation’s goal is to make youth interested in participating in European life and use its’ given opportunities. Moreover, we are populating the idea of unity in Europe and European values, such as democracy, tolerance and respect of human rights. As follows, our main goal is to intimate that the European future depends on everyone, which is the reason why youth should not be unconcerned about their country’s future. By organising events, seminars, lectures, conferences, even camps and thematic “tea evenings” we are spreading the knowledge about European institutions, European culture, history, traditions and social and political processes.

Ance Mālkalna


Patrīcija Kleinberga

Vice-President for Foreign Affairs

Jēkabs Dzenītis

Vice President of Internal Affairs

Armands Celitāns

International Officer


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Luxembourg

Jonk Europäesch Föderalisten Lëtzebuerg or JEF Luxembourg/Luxemburg is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan, non-confessional and pro-European youth organization that promotes European integration and the creation of European Federal Union, as the first step towards world peace and a more democratic and equitable federal society.

JEF Luxembourg contributes to the achievement of its objectives by promoting the fundamental democratic values of the European Union, by fostering the debate and discussions on the ideal of a federal Europe and more European integration. Thus, Jef Luxembourg organizes events, debates, workshops, street actions to support the idea of a federal Europe.

JEF Luxembourg is the Luxembourgish branch of the Young European Federalists.

Sam Elsey


Mike Arrensdorff

Secretary General

Liri Xhindi



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Social Media:

JEF Malta

JEF (Young European Federalists) Malta is a non-partisan youth NGO and political movement based within the University of Malta. JEF Malta’s principal goals are to promote European affairs and bring Europe closer to young people by bridging the gap between policy makers and youths. Our work is framed within the context of campaigning for a more democratic and integrated Europe, with the ultimate result being a Federal Europe.

At JEF Malta, we offer our members a number of opportunities including seminars, debates, interactive workshops, social events and even a debating simulation based on an integrated European Union. We also coordinate nationwide EU awareness campaigns, such as the ‘Europe at School’ programme aimed at promoting European values and active youth citizenship.

Michael Gatt


Martin Bajada

Financial Officer

Kristina Mangion

Public Relations Officer

Isaac Rizzo

Vice-President & International Officer

Celeste Tan Panza,
Francesco Giorgino

Project Officers

Miguel Teles

Policy Officer

Chantelle Busuttil Stevens

Secretary General

Andrea Pisani

Civic Education Officer

Malcolm Muscat

Events Officer


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Social Media:

JEF Montenegro

JEF Netherlands

Hello everyone,

We are the JEF section of the Netherlands, we have currently one active regional section, seated in Maastricht, a historical and important place for European history (Maastricht treaty). We are trying to revive our past regional sections in Enschede right next to the Dutch-German border and in Nijmegen, one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands in Gelderland. We are also planning to introduce a third section, namely the section of JEF Holland, which is a big province in the west of the Netherlands

Reinis Giļs


Merle Weyhe


Maximilian Allwright

Secretary General

Joachim Neuböck


Francesca Marini

International Officer


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Website and Social Media:

JEF North Macedonia

JEF North Macedonia promotes political activism of the Macedonian citizens, with a focus on the youth, in Republic of North Macedonia’s EU accession and toward a creation of a United Federal Europe. JEF North Macedonia encourages creation of a just, free, inclusive, participatory, transparent and democratic society based on the European values.

Slave Koteski



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Website and Social Media:

JEF Norway

JEF Norway (Europeisk Ungdom), founded in 1973, is a non-partisan youth organization with around 1,000 members across the country – from Troms in the north, to Agder in the south. The organization works for a Norwegian EU membership and strengthened European cooperation. The day-to-day work concerns raising awareness about the EU and Norway’s relations with Europe. Furthermore, JEF Norway organizes a series of seminars on the local, national and international level. The most known international projects are United – Nordic summer camp, the EU academy (in Brussels) and Ukrainian Training Days (UTD).

Ulrik Stange


Tora Tveiten


Benjamin Sandsmark

Board Member & Leader of International Committee (International Enquiries)

Nils Jørund Lieberg Stieng

Board Member (Student Sections)


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Poland

JEF Poland was formally accepted into the JEF Europe family in 2015. It has members across all of Poland whether in the capital Warsaw, down in the hills around Kraków, Opole, & Częstochowa, or by the seaside in Gdańsk & Gdynia. Wherever you are, you are welcome in JEF Poland as we work for European solidarity, where Poland pulls its weight.

Aleksander Lis


Paolo Tinti & Jeremy Space


Bartosz Miller



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Website and Social Media:

JEF Portugal

JEF-Portugal (Juventude Europeia Federalista), founded in 1996, is an independent non-partisan youth organization which promotes a deeper European integration.
Our organisation seeks to inform and unite youth from all over Portugal with an interest and a passion for Europe, the EU and European politics and wishing to debate and influence European affairs.
We believe that Europe’s countries face many challenges that are best solved through a good co-operation within the European Union. In that sense, we advocate for a stronger Union and dream with a federal Europe.

Rui Teixeira


José Almeida

Vice President

João Simões


André Teixeira

Secretary General

Eduarda Gomes

Executive Board Member


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Social Media:

JEF Romania

JEF Romania (Tineri Europeni) is a pro-European organisation based in Romania. Established as an interest group in 2018, it became a candidate section, and later a national section of Young European Federalists in 2021. Created by young people, the aim of “Tineri Europeni”, or Junimea Europeană Federalistă (the name of the NGO based in Romania supporting the section’s activity) is an enhanced integration of Romania in the European Union, having as its final goal the consolidation of a democratic and federal Europe.

JEF Romania contributes to the achievement of its objectives by promoting the fundamental values of the European Union, sharing knowledge, by fostering the debate on the ideal of a federal Europe, and by consolidating the European identity. To this extent, it welcomes the participation of new members within and facilitates the organisation of events, workshops, debates, lectures, publishing activities, street actions, and develops partnerships with like- minded organisations.

Madalin Blidaru


Alexandru Tapuc


Nida Serban


Tiberia Cercea



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Website and Social Media:

JEF Serbia

JEF Serbia (Youth Forum of the European Movement in Serbia – EMinS) is a program body of the European Movement in Serbia, founded in 2014 at the initiative of Generation 21, a collective member of EMinS, to strengthen youth activism, inclusion in the current trends of youth policy and promotion of European values ​​and achievements within the process of European integration of the Republic of Serbia.

The Youth Forum of the European Movement in Serbia strives for a democratic society based on European norms and values, recognizing young people’s needs and encouraging them to participate and represent their views actively.

We encourage young people to take initiative, network, and strengthen cooperation and mobility at the local, national, and international levels. At the same time, we want to point out to the decision-makers the needs of young people and the problems they most often face.

We attach great importance to the affirmation of young people on the premises, primarily by raising the level and quality of information about the EU integration process in Serbia and by pointing out the possibilities of their inclusion in the process itself.

Nenad Bušić


Katarina Bogićević



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Social Media:

JEF Slovakia

JEF Slovakia is an independent international youth organisation, whose mission is to bring together young people interested in European issues.

Tomáš Ďuriš



Secretary General




International Officer


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Slovenia

JEF Slovenia (Društvo Mladi Evropejci) is an independent, trans-partisan youth organisation which works in the field of youth participation and campaigns for the united Europe. It was created on March 25th 2017 on the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Rome and became an official JEF member section in 2019.

Since the foundation we run local and international activities which establish the platform for the youth dialogue, spread European consciousness in the Slovenian society and educate youth about the importance of EU integration.

Lovro Klinar


Nika Verlič


Rok Učakar Grašič

International Officer

Samanta G. Pahole

Project Manager and Social Media Manager


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Social Media:

JEF Spain

JEF Spain, organised as a federation of regional non-partisan youth organisations, is the Spanish branch of the Young European Federalists. Currently active in 6 regions, it gathers more than two hundred members who are keen on promoting the idea of a Federal Europe as the best tool for Europeans’ wellbeing.

JEF Spain does that through the celebration of debates, seminars, social events and public awareness campaigns such as ‘Europe at School’.

Laura Serrano


Augusto González

Head of institutional affairs

Jorge Moreno Cebrián

Head of Organisational Development

Antonio López Carro

Head of Ethics

Víctor Lloret Notivoli

General Secretary

Aitana Pla Lawlor

Head of Campaigns and Participation

Unai Gómez Hernández

Head of Training

Abel Ortega


Luis Maurin Hakala

International officer

Fermín Zabala

Head of Communication

Gema Castro Andrade

Social Media Manager


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Sweden

JEF-Sweden (Förbundet Unga Européer) is the only pro-European movement in Sweden for young people. We organize trips and seminars across Europe to raise the awareness of the positive effects of a European co-operation. We believe that Sweden should join the Euro-zone and become an active partner in the European co-operation.

Silje Marie Maanum


Benjamin Sandsmark

Internasjonal Officer

Robert Bjørn Væring

Board member

Ida Reffhaug

General Secretary

Martin Jølle

Board Member

Nils Lieberg Stieng

Political Vice-President

Mihajlo Samardzic

Board member

Tora Tveiten

Organisational Vice President

Isabelle Bergseth

Board member


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Website and Social Media:

JEF Switzerland

JEF-Switzerland (Young European Swiss | YES) is a political Swiss youth organisation and its main objective is the rapid accession of Switzerland to the European Union.

As the only pro-European voice of Swiss youth, yes would like to raise awareness on the importance of European integration in young people and young adults, to inform them about current challenges in Switzerland’s relations with Europe and draw attention to questions of European policy.

The association strives for Switzerland’s active participation in the project of European integration as well as designing together a democratic, transparent and federalist EU.

Alana Rainone


Tobias Schaub

Political working group

Laurin Rusterholz

Vincenzo Robbiani



Linus Spyra

Thomas von Graffenried

Johann von Graffenried

General Secretary

Chiara Voce

Green Transition

Patrik Stacher


International Officer

Irina Vogel


Write to JEF Switzerland!

Website and Social Media:

JEF United Kingdom

JEF United Kingdom (Young European Movement UK) is the main pro-European organisation for people aged 18-35 in the UK. It was created by and for young people of all political walks and beliefs who share a common interest in Europe and the European Union. We have a very close partnership with the European Movement (EM) UK, and we are the national section of JEF Europe in the UK.

As our country is going through tumultuous times, so are we, struggling to find our place in this post-EU membership environment. In this process of self-consolidation as organisation both externally and internally, we are relying on every single member and volunteer to chip in with their motivation, their ideas and their energy.

Please get in touch!

Cecilia Jastrzembska


Christopher Kurk

Head of International Affairs & Partnerships

Dorothy Herson

Head of Events

Tommy Monahan

Head of Finance and Administration

Eleanor Blackwood

Head of Comms & Social Media

Amina Hassan

Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Equality

Lea Rattei

Head of Campaigns

Leah Rea

Head of Policy and Political Engagement


Write to JEF United Kingdom!

Candidate Sections

Although we have members all over Europe, not all European countries have established national sections. We do have several Candidate Sections, which are there to create a network for JEFers to be active in. After organising successful activities, these activists can apply for candidate status at our statutory meetings. If the section remains active during the next 2 years, carries out JEF’s policies and commits to the JEF spirit, they can be accepted as full member sections during the next statutory meeting.

Please find below an overview of candidate sections, which we are currently in touch with (last updated December 2023):

Interest Groups

Before an organisation is recognised as candidate section, people in countries where JEF is not present yet can form an interest group.

Every Executive Board Member is responsible for coordinating some interest groups, and helping them in setting up a new section. If you don’t see a section or candidate section in a country where you think there should be one, contact us to set up an interest group! 

Please find below an overview of interest groups, which we are currently in touch with (last updated December 2023):

How to become a JEF section?

How to Build Up a New JEF Section

1. Build motivation!

2. Recruit!

How to make sure that internal communication within your team and towards your members run smoothly? Here are some tools to help you out.

A concise guide to using MailChimp, a free and user-friendly tool which will allow you to manage a proper newsletter to keep your members updated on your recent and forthcoming activities.

How to introduce JEF to external partners? How to advertise an event? How to run a website and social networks? Find some tips included in the files below!


If you campaign you engage in political warfare. Your goal is to change a specific status, which others defend. To be successful you will need to know the terrain, the means to overcome the defence, who is on your side and you need to put all this into plan. You might dislike this military metaphor but it is a fitting one. Be aware: a political campaign needs to stir up conflict. If your organisation is afraid of arguments then forget about campaigning. Otherwise continue to read. The article starts with a discussion on what a campaign is – and what not. In the second part it explains practical aspects of campaigning. The third part focuses on the challenges to campaign across borders.

Countering Euroscepticism

Eurosceptics have been in the European Parliament since its very first election. Internal criticism and opposition are fundamental parts of democracy. That is why the supporters of European integration should not fear the rise of euroscepticism. Whereas the projected rise of euroscepticism is unlikely to have a large influence on the positions of the European Parliament, those who support further European integration should not feel at ease. Rather, they should be reminded that their arguments must be clear and persuasive for European citizens.

Public Speaking

The aim of this paper is to give you a brief overview of the main things to think about when it comes to public speaking. It includes the definition borrowed from Wikipedia, a few useful tips, an illustration of the different type of presentations, and a 10 point list of how one can ruin a presentation. Despite being a seasoned public speaker myself I have to admit that some of the simple steps discussed hereinafter is something that I should adhere to more diligently myself and, more importantly should help make public speaking better experience – for both you and your audience.

How to find new ideas and make them work? Below you can find a brief introduction to writing articles for our The New Federalist webzine.

What is the Europe at School toolkit? What other tools and materials can you use to help implement pedagogical programmes? Find out more by checking out the materials below!

Europe at School

How to take the most out of JEF? Try out for example our twinning programme, join pan-European events and attend international seminars!

Twinning Programme

The JEF Europe twinning programme consists in bringing together local sections of JEF in privileged partnerships, meant to last and aimed at building a better knowledge of one another. 

There is a lot you can do together: meet one another in your respective cities, do some political reflection together, share your best practices and activities… The frequency of your interaction depends on how much energy you want to put into the project. Some sections have a dedicated person in charge of the relations with the other section and common activities.

In any case, the Task Force Capacity Building is here to help you find a match and get you started. If you have any questions about the programme or want to find out more about it, get in touch with us at

How to apply for and manage public grants or private partnerships? Find out more by checking out the guide below!


This segment concerns funding for pan-European youth organisations: where to get it, how to increase your chances of getting your application approved and what to make of the changing nature of European-level funding. It also explores some trends in funding for the NGO sector in Europe. The farther we venture into the future the less certain the predictions of this segment get, but nonetheless I hope that this segment offers some seed for thought for all readers interested in funding.