JEF Hungary is working to bring the European Union closer to the Hungarian youth and to foster an intergenerational dialogue on European issues. It stands for transparency, democratic values, and condemns all actions violating the rule of law. It organises debates, webinars, and workshops to educate the young generation in Hungary in the belief that a comprehensive knowledge of European affairs is indispensable to understand the challenges and issues of our world.

Balázs Sean Brandt


Balázs László

Secretary General

Hanna Velner


Balázs KomáromiHanna Jordanics

International Officers

Noémi Pongrácz

Internal Vice-President

Fanni Spitzmüller

Project Coordinator

Ion Ozun

External Vice-President

Marcell PogányMihály BudaiBenjámin Sebestyén Sinka

Events Team


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