Check’Europe Call for participants: Media Training 29-30/01, Brussels

Check’Europe – Call for participants

Media Training 29-30/01, Brussels

Are you a journalist, journalism student, part of an associative media outlet or just interested in journalism and politics?✨🔎📰

The seminar is part of the project Check’Europe. Our three-year project, comes to an end, we’re bringing together media professionals, political communications experts and journalists from around the EU.

What is the Check’Europe project

The Check’Europe project started from an observation that many misunderstandings about the European Union and false information on this subject are relayed by the press and the media in general. Thus, many citizens say they are confronted with fake news (at least once a week for 68% of people polled, according to Eurobarometer 464 on fake news and disinformation).

We, therefore, find that there are very few resources to help people tell the truth about fake news and not enough tools to counter it. The project aims to teach the target audience to recognize fake news, read European news, understand it and raise the critical spirit of citizens so that they subsequently become actors in the fight against fake news.


Join us for a training event designed to strengthen your skills in tackling false information, understanding political journalism and communications especially during electoral periods, and enhance your understanding of European Union-related topics.

Where: JEF Europe office
When: 29th and 30th of January.

Goals of the training

  • Equip journalists with the tools to identify and analyze false information.
  • Understand the connections between political communications and journalism
  • Train participants in effective fact-checking techniques, particularly during election periods.
  • Raise awareness among students and associations about the treatment and dissemination of EU-related information.
  • Promote the exchange of good practices among participants and experts.

The two days will consist of trainings from journalists and experts of the field and workshops on the topic.

We have a limited amount of reimbursements for travels within Belgium and for international travels, accomodation and food. The travels will be reimbursed according to your travel distance to Brussels.

Link to the registration 
