Encouraging Youth Participation in Europe
COYV final events in Brussels!

The ‘Encouraging youth participation in Europe’ events will take place in Brussels on the 12th and 13th February and will gather young multipliers, young people, national and European youth and Civil Society organisations representatives, experts and policymakers to reflect on challenges and facilitators of youth engagement and to take concrete action toward the 2024 EU elections.
These events result from a two-year project, Enabling future active European citizens (COYV), coordinated by JEF Europe, which provides young leaders, as well as national and European youth and Civil Society organisations representatives, a space for training in the preparation of the 2024 European Parliament election campaigns.
The events are divided in two parts creating a link between different European initiatives on citizenship education by joining forces with other civil society and youth organisations and working together with elected representatives to foster young people voting in the upcoming elections in June.
On the first day, 12 February, participants and panellists will focus on the project results, sharing educational tools and actions to address the challenges of youth participation and engage in a panel discussion and Q&A with experts, policymakers and young people. The panel will focus on the challenges and motivations of young people, especially first-time voters, to engage in European initiatives and their interest in voting in the EP elections 2024.
The second day, 13 February, is focused on the Alliance for Youth Vote. This informal alliance will work together with policy makers, national and European youth and civil society organisations to encourage youth participation in democratic processes as well as join other existing initiatives promoting the strengthening of European civic education. During its kick-off meeting on 13 February, this network of national and European youth and Civil Society organisations, youth organisations will develop a common action plan towards the EU Elections to encourage young people’s active participation for the 2024 European Parliament elections.
See tentative agenda here!