JEF Policy is made by its members through resolutions passed by their elected representatives. They formulate key convictions and messages that provide inspiration to move away from the current political constellation in Europe and progress towards a true Federation.
Below you can find an overview of all valid resolutions democratically adopted by JEF members during Congresses and Federal Committees. After adoption, each resolution is valid for 2.5 years, after which period it can be either re-adopted (unchanged or with amendments) or lapse. The only exception is our political platform which summarises our vision for a federal Europe.
Any older resolutions that were not re-adopted during more recent statutory meetings do not constitute JEF Europe’s policy anymore, although we treasure them for their historical significance to our organisation.
Political Commissions
JEF Policy is defined by its members through resolutions passed by their elected representatives at meetings of the European Congress or Federal Committee. Internal JEF Policies pertain to organisational matters while external JEF Policies determine the ideals and aims of the organisation. Ordinarily, Political Commissions may draft resolutions and may oversee, work on and suggest a comprehensive version of the resolutions handed in by members of the national sections as well as from elected JEF members.
Political Commission: Institutional Affairs and Governance (PC1) is responsible for JEF Europe’s work on EU institutions and governance. Its task is to work on questions pertaining to economic and institutional governance. In this respect, PC1 takes a closer look at the EU’s institutional architecture and possible reform proposals. PC1 therefore focuses on aspects such as legitimacy and accountability of European institutions, multi-speed Europe, the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union and possible EU treaty changes and steps to be taken for stronger political integration of the European Union. The Commission seeks to develop JEF’s external positions that feed into the public debate as well as contribute to vivid debates within JEF Europe as a transnational organisation.
To learn more and join PC1 discussions, check out the PC1 Facebook group or drop an email to the co-chairs at pc1@jef.eu.

Political Commission: Internal European Affairs (PC2) is committed to advancing JEF’s federalist agenda on issues relating to internal European affairs. Topics tackled in the past years include digital privacy, data protection and artificial intelligence, free movement of EU citizens, environment, and sustainable mobility, strengthening political participation of young people, and the lowering of the voting age. Inclusive grassroots-based policy positions translate into resolutions, media products and position papers as well as project management in the form of seminars and regular group meetings are part of PC2’s work.
To learn more and join PC2 discussions, check out the PC2 Facebook group or drop an email to the co-chairs at pc2@jef.eu.
Nea-Maria Törmänen
In the debates of Political Commission: External Affairs and Global Governance (PC3), a number of different issues are addressed. First, the institutional setup created by the different Treaties, including the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy. Secondly, the developments in European foreign, security and defence policy in terms of its means for conducting an active European foreign policy and formulate proposals for federalist action. Thirdly, it will discuss relevant foreign policy issues, such as the enlargement process, the European Neighbourhood Policy, and global governance. Finally, participants in the discussion can bring forward their own ideas for resolutions.
To learn more and join PC3 discussions, check out the PC3 Facebook group or drop an email to the co-chairs at pc3@jef.eu.

Task Forces
Task Forces (TFs) are the operational forces of JEF, composed of volunteers from all over the network. They work on strategic issues and support the Executive Board in developing new tools and new activities for the sections.
The Task Force on Civic Education supports JEF activities that help young people, especially but not only in schools, to get informed about Europe and engage with it. The idea is to build a platform for sharing experiences and create tools that can be helpful for sections, which are interested in having activities targeting children or teenagers. Our overall goal is to give the civic education activities in JEF a continuous and sustainable framework and build long lasting structures.
In 2024/26, the co-chairs of the Task Force are Antoine Chabal and Élise Magne. You can email them at firstname.lastname [at] jef.eu.
There’s so much skill, knowledge and passion across the JEF community. The job of Task Force Capacity Building is to ensure all JEF sections can make the most of it.
Our most famous initiative is the JEF twinning programme. Over the years, we’ve paired up dozens of grassroots JEF sections, enabling the sections to develop joint projects and their members to meet each other. And we’re still going strong!
We also organise trainings to develop JEFers’ skills. This can mean real-life seminars as well as webinars, covering topics like membership recruitment, street activism and more. We respond to sections’ requests for trainings, and we’re keen to arrange a tailored session for you!
Our Task Force encourages you to ‘Borrow a JEFer’. If your section has a task to do but no volunteers available just now, you can simply tell about it on our Facebook group, full of keen JEFers from across Europe. Free movement of workers across borders, JEF style!
In 2024/26, the co-chairs of the Task Force are Anna van de Moosdijk and Benedetta Veneruso. You can email them at firstname.lastname [at] jef.eu!
TF Empowerment & Diversity aims at fostering gender equality at representation level and increase the participation of young people with fewer opportunities and different backgrounds in JEF.
The TF work is about getting our members to discuss the state of things in our respective sections, how we can change our unconscious perceptions to diversify our membership and what actions can be taken at personal and organisational level.
We also share best practices to highlight the good ideas already implemented in some sections and discuss what concrete steps the TF can take for further development regarding inclusion.
We strive for a more diverse JEF, to benefit everyone, not girls only!
In 2024/26, the co-chairs of the Task Force are Julianne Vella and María Martínez López. You can email them at firstname.lastname [at] jef.eu!