JEF stands for peace, democracy and justice. The Russian war against Ukraine stands against all of these principles. JEF-Europe and its national sections work tirelessly to support Ukraine, and advocate for Ukraine’s place within the European Union.
Beyond Ukraine, JEF advocates for a European future for Moldova and Georgia. JEF’s actions against Russian aggression feed into the Democracy Under Pressure campaign, which JEF has run since 2006.
What do we do?
We launched the EU-kraine petition calling for the EU candidate status of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
We co-organised the fast #YouthResponsEUkraine, regrouping National Youth Councils and other youth organisations to coordinate the youth sector’s response to the war.
Our whole network of volunteers in our 300 local and 30 national sections are organising demonstrations and events, helping refugees from Ukraine get access to their rights, raising money, joining solidarity convois, etc. Ukraine advocacy was also at the heart of our advocacy action during our human rights activism seminar in Budapest, as part of our workplan.
JEF Europe joined a joined a civil society delegation travelling to Ukraine to meet young activists and civil society organisations to begin to imagine Peace beyond War, together. With this purpose, the convoy got in contact with several Ukrainian activists and organisations in the cities of Kyiv and Chernivtsi.
Lifting Voices of young Ukrainians - Anastasia, JEF Ukraine
#UkraineIsEurope: more statements and actions by JEF Europe
Ukraine: from friendship request to EU member
The Ukraine of tomorrow is built today: independent and on track to EU accession
Young European Federalists visit Ukraine: War is a defeat for everyone, now we need to win Peace!
European Commission must guarantee a meaningful role for civil society in ‘RebuildUkraine’
‘EU leaders must recognise Russian atrocities as genocide’ say Europe’s youth organisations
Democracy is under attack: JEF launches its “Democracy under Pressure” 2022 campaign
JEF Europe launches a petition for a political Union to grant EU candidate status to Ukraine
Europe’s youth stand against Russian aggression and in support of Ukraine’s future

- Annemarie, our Federal Committee member, has already raised over €15,000 to support civilians in Kyiv.
- JEF-Europe and Annemarie fundraised to help deliver a water purification plant for Mykolaiv.
- JEF-Ukraine President Anna Dovha co-leads Voices from Ukraine, a hub for fundraising initiatives for Ukraine.
Come Back Alive works directly with the command and personnel of military units, purchasing infrared thermal imaging cameras, night vision goggles, hemostatics, etc.
A consolidation of female veterans, which amongst other things, organizes preparation for actions in case of emergencies and defense situations.
What else can I do?
- Support the section and join as a volunteer: JEF-Ukraine became a JEF Candidate Section in April 2022, JEF-Moldova relaunched its activities in May 2022, and JEF-Georgia restarted its activities in May 2023.

Martin Penov, vice president
Young European Federalists