The Revolution of Hope
Join the biggest campaign ahead of the EU elections 2024
“A Europe, where the public debate ahead of elections only takes place on the national level is not a proper Union.
A constructive, multilingual and participatory exchange between citizens across borders is needed to build a more united and democratic Europe!”
Antonio Argenziano, President 2021-23, JEF Europe
“EurHope will engage citizens on a massive scale, to put their priorities in the centre of the public debate ahead of the European elections.”
Alicia Combaz, CEO & Co-Founder, Make.org
The Agenda of Hope
JEF Europe, together with Make.org, launched EurHope on 9 May in Strasbourg, a participatory campaign ahead of the 2024 European Elections, supported by a coalition of more than 40 actors. In its first phase, the campaign gathered 1.5 million votes from across the European Union and more than 5,000 proposals were submitted to the multilingual online Make.org platform (eurhope.org) available in all member states.
“The Agenda of Hope by young people is clear: we need a reformed European Union, better suited to face collective challenges and uphold our values. A Union at the service of its citizens with more efficient institutions that can bring about real change to give all of us Hope”
Christelle Savall, President (2023-2025), JEF Europe
“I value the work of Make.org and the Young European Federalists. You have proven your ability to reach out to citizens across all the 27 member states in a multilingual digital environment. And not only that: you have surpassed your own ambitions by going beyond 1 million votes you were determined to have on board of the campaign. I congratulate you on this significant achievement.”
Dubravka Suica, Vice-President in charge of Democracy and Demography, European Commission (EurHope project under her patronage)
“The EurHope consultation brought together more than 1.5 million voices, which is a great achievement. The youth has spoken clearly about their concerns and their expectations of the EU. Now, it is time for the EU leaders to hear this message and take action. Youth is our future, and shaping tomorrow’s future starts today.”
Oliver Röpke, President, European Economic and Social Committee
The proposals emerging from this first phase have shaped the drafting of an Agenda of Hope, set to be shared with European institutions and political actors. The Agenda of Hope aims to put young citizens’ priorities in the centre of the public debate ahead of the European elections.

Why EurHope?
The war on the continent, rising inflation, an increasingly obvious climate crisis and the pandemic are some of the challenges that Europe is facing and that amplify division, fear and interference against European unity and solidarity.
According to Eurobarometer, most of Europeans feel uncertainty, frustration, helplessness, anger, and fear. Yet, there is a sentiment emerging among these predominant feelings, HOPE.
The 2024 European elections will be a crucial moment for the EU, and Europeans will have an important role to build an alternative, positive front and to make Europe stronger – together!
This challenge starts by building a dialogue between young citizens, across borders and language barriers to put their priorities for the future of Europe at the heart of the 2024 campaign, replacing the agenda of fear and division with their “Agenda of Hope”.
- 9th May 2023, Official Launch, European Parliament, Strasbourg (FR)
- 21 - 24 May 2023, European School on Memories, Jean Monnet House, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne (FR)
- 9th-10th June 2023, European Youth Event, Strasbourg (FR)
- 3rd-4th July 2023, EurHope Online Summer Trainings
- 7th-9th July 2023, EurHope Online Summer Trainings
- 27th-30th July 2023, EurHope Summer Trainings, Brussels (BE)
- 1st-3rd September 2023, EurHope Summer Training, Ventotene (IT)
- 10th-12th November 2023, JEF Europe European Congress, Madrid (ES)
Around Europe:
- 4th May 2023, Europe at School, Lille
- 5th May 2023, Europe at School, Paris
- 6th May 2023, Dissemination of an Erasmus Project (Label Ville Européenne) in Dijon
- 9th May 2023, Label Ville Européenne plaque inauguration, Lyon
- 9th May 2023, Label Ville Européenne plaque inauguration, Rennes
- 9th May 2023, Destination EP elections 2024, Bordeaux
- 9th May 2023, Sport et réfugiés, un challenge pour la jeunesse européenne, Paris
- 9th May 2023, Launch of the EurHope campaign in Nancy
- 10th May 2023, Philanthro Lab Europe event, Paris
- 11th May 2023, Label Ville Européenne plaque inauguration, Reims
- 12th May 2023, Panel debate on EP Elections 2024 in Strasbourg
- 13th May 2023, European Village, Paris
- 24th - 25th May 2023, Trans-european event with a simulation of the European Parliament, Lille
- 24th-27th July 2023, Université d'été, Rennes
- 9th May 2023, Democracy & EU Elections Seminar with students, Deva
- 6th-7th May 2023, Federal Committee, Gorizia
- 3rd-8th September 2023, Ventotene International Seminar, Ventotene
- 4th May 2023, Discussion event with Liudas Mažylis MEP, Kaunas
- 9th May 2023, European Village - food and info stalls around University of Malta quadrangle plus activities
- 9th May 2023, EuropaUnplugged - open mic event and member social gathering
- 10th May 2023, Panel Discussion with EPLO Malta
- 12th May 2023, Official EurHope and European Bench launch
- 9th May 2023, Europe Day March with Volt and other small organisations, Maastricht
- 9th May 2023, European Afterwork (Get-Together) about the European Elections, Maastricht
- 3rd May 2023, Event with Students in UCD, Dublin
- 9th May 2023, EU elections campaign launch/rush hour walkabout and photo call, Dublin
- 6th May 2023, European Bench, Budapest
- 7th May 2023, Europe Day with EPLO, Budapest
- 11th May 2023, Discussion with the Swedish and Spanish Embassy, Budapest
- 9th May 2023, Going to the EP EU themed 3D Mapping Show spreading the word on the EurHope campaign, Sofia
- 9th May 2023, Visit to a school celebrating Europe Day, Sofia
- 9th May 2023, Meet up with JEF CZ on Europe Day, Prague
- 26th-31st July 2023, International Summer Camp, Faervik
- 18th-20th August 2023, Castle Seminar
About us
09.05.2023 | Op-ed | The New Federalist
09.05.2023 | Op-ed | All’Europa serve una “rivoluzione della speranza” in vista del voto 2024
06.11.2023 | Press Release | EurHope campaign united 1.5 million voices across Europe
07.01.2024 | Op-Ed | The year of hope for Europeans
30.05.2024 | Press Release | JEF mobilises for a weekend for EurHope ahead of European elections
On the occasion of the launch of EurHope, a founding text, signed by a large number of European actors was published simultaneously in many European media:
- Le Monde (FR) : Elections européennes 2024 : « Nous proposons une autre voie pour transformer l’Europe »
- Le Monde (EN) : European elections 2024: “We are proposing another way to change Europe”
- Ouest-France : POINT DE VUE. Européennes 2024 : nous avons besoin de la « révolution de l’espoir »
- Le Soir : Élections européennes 2024 : pour garder notre avenir entre nos mains, nous avons besoin de la Révolution de l’Espoir
- VoxEurop : To keep Europe’s future in our hands, we need the Revolution of Hope
- Euractiv : Européennes 2024 : appel à la mobilisation des jeunes citoyens pour une « Révolution de l’espoir »
- The New Federalist : European elections 2024: To keep our future in our hands, we need the Revolution of Hope
- Publico (Portugal) : Europeias de 2024: precisamos da Revolução da Esperança
- The Times of Malta : Opinion – A revolution of hope
- HVG (Hungary) : Európai választások 2024: “A Remény forradalmára van szükség, hogy kézben tudjuk tartani a jövőnket”
- Le Quotidien indépendant luxembourgeois : [Tribune] Élections européennes 2024 : Pour garder notre avenir entre nos mains, nous avons besoin de la Révolution de l’Espoir
- Hospodářské noviny (Czech Republic) : Evropské volby 2024: Abychom drželi budoucnost v našich rukou, potřebujeme Revoluci naděje
Who we are
JEF Europe
The Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) is a political youth NGO advocating for the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace, the rule of law and human rights. JEF Europe promotes true European citizenship, works for the widening and deepening of the European Union and strives for a more just and integrated society on the European continent. Established in 1972, the organisation has more than 10,000 activists organised in over 250 national, regional and local sections in 35 countries. The ideals and aims of JEF Europe are defined in the Manifesto of Ventotene, the Political Platform and resolutions adopted by its statutory bodies.

Make.org is an independent, European civic-tech organisation that engages citizens, associations, public institutions, businesses and the media in the positive transformation of society. For this, Make.org has developed very large-scale collective intelligence methods and tools that combine artificial intelligence with sociology. These operations are all designed and implemented to produce a concrete and positive impact, whether in the context of public action or civic action. Make.org systematically respects an extremely demanding code of ethics under the supervision of an independent Ethics Council. In just a few years, Make.org has involved 9 million citizens, more than 50 public institutions (European, German and French governments, regions and cities), more than 80 large companies and nearly 600 NGOs in its operations.

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