Next Chapter Europe - Youth voice on the Conference on the Future of Europe
Expert Meeting
29th March - 1st April, Online
Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) is looking for 10-15 experts to give their input during an online meeting of experts between 29.3.-31.3.2021. The expert meeting will consist of four three hour sessions between 16:00-19:00 (CET). As an outcome, it is expected to have a clear overview how to outline a good local consultation on the CoFoE and know how to creatively engage young people. We are therefore looking for experts with experience in local consultations, citizens debates and workshops with young people on political topics.
About the project
The project Next Chapter Europe – Youth Voice on the Conference for the Future of Europe aims at bringing the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) close to the young people at the local level through an informative pan-European campaign and discussion workshops. This will include the creation of an exhibition on Europe’s past and future, to be presented on the European Youth event. Participants of the project will be able to talk confidently about the CoFoE and actively express their opinions, this will also be essential during the local consultation of young people. You can find more information here.
About the expert meeting
The event is one of the activities during the project “Next Chapter Europe”. It will take place online and will gather 10 to 15 Experts from the civic and public sector. The specific objectives are answering the following questions:
Experts for activities and youth participation
- What would be an efficient format for local consultations that would attract young people? What needs to be taken care of to successfully organise a consultation?
- How can we present the CoFoE in an easy-accessible way to young people and engage them into the discussion?
Tasks and responsibilities of the experts
- To discuss and give input and draft an outline for local consultation sessions
- Participate during the days of the chosen expert group online (29.-31.3.2021)
- Knowledge on European policy, especially the Conference on the Future of Europe
- Experience in organising local citizen consultations
- Experience in working within the field of youth participation
- Proficient user of English language, both in written and spoken English
- 100 EUR per expert for subsistence cost (food, coffee, materials) during the whole event
How to apply?
If interested, please send your CV and a short motivation to by 25th March 2021 23:59 CET.
Please include “[Next Chapter Europe Experts meeting] Expert Group ’’ in the subject title