Call for trainers
WP 2024 – Let’s Speak Diversity!
Brussels, Belgium – January 31st & February 1st
JEF Europe is looking for 1 senior non-formal education trainer to facilitate an international experts and activist meeting supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. This meeting will be carried out in the framework of the Let’s Speak Diversity! project, which aims at developing the competences of both youth workers and youth-led organizations, focusing on how to approach, include and work with people coming from ethnic and linguistic minorities backgrounds, including Roma youth in activism, advocacy and European decision-making
You can find more information about the project, the details of the event and the application form link below.
About Let’s Speak Diversity!
Let’s Speak Diversity! is a project that seeks to open spaces for dialogue with youth coming from ethnic and linguistic minorities in order to understand their realities and foster critical thinking about values and customs that are ingrained in Europe. The vision of this Work Plan is to:
- further increase the knowledge of young activists on linguistic and ethnic minority communities across Europe;
- understand their challenges and stories;
- encourage partners from the youth sector to listen, learn and build their work in a more inclusive way so that linguistic and ethnic minorities can be more active in their networks and other European democratic processes.
This project addresses multiple Council of Europe’s Youth Sector Priorities at the same time, while focusing primarily on combating all forms of discrimination, racism and exclusion, including structural forms, with a specific focus on Roma youth participation and inclusion; the inclusion of youth from ethnic and linguistic minority groups, in particular refugee youth; and intercultural dialogue.
Through this work plan, JEF Europe wants to particularly focus on building concrete ways to create safe spaces for minority youth, while still exploring intersections with refugee and migrant communities, racialised groups and people oppressed through gender-based discrimination, fostering a path from allyship to coalitions between different communities.
About the International Experts and Activists Meeting
The trainer joining this call will create a space where experts and activists on ethnic and linguistic minorities will share their experiences in order to learn about best practices, develop needs assessments and establish guidelines to further implement projects in the field. It will more specifically tailor the content for the capacity-building seminars that will take place in the framework of “Let’s speak Diversity!”; the first one aimed at youth workers working with ethnic and linguistic minorities; and the second one towards activists coming from these minority groups. Around 20 participants will join for this meeting, which will be conducted in a hybrid mode (10 will be joining presentially while the rest will join online).
This International Experts and Activists Meeting will include the following phases:
- Online preparation meetings that will bring together the trainer and the members of JEF Europe’s Secretariat. This session will take place online prior to the beginning of the training and it will be necessary to make decisions about the content of the agenda and the methods of training which will be employed.
- The meeting event, which will take place in Brussels (Belgium) and it will be conducted in a hybrid mode, with an arrival date set for January 30th, 2024 and departure date set for February 1st, 2024 for a total stay of 3 days. During this period, the non-formal education trainers will facilitate sessions for two half working days about a variety of topics – sharing best practices on working with youth from ethnic and linguistic minority backgrounds, creating guidelines for the implementation of capacity building activities with minorities – by using the previously approved methodologies. The 30th will be dedicated to outbound travel and it is expected that on the 1st the trainer will be able to travel back since the meeting will end at lunch time.
Selection criteria for trainers
- Experience in implementing and facilitating activities using non-formal education methodologies.
- Ability to contribute to work in an intercultural team.
- Fluent in both spoken and written English.
- Expertise in, or knowledge of, one or more of the following areas:
- Network building among youth organizations working with youth from ethnic and linguistics minorities and/or on antidiscrimination and equality;
- Creating a safe environment for a diverse and inclusive youth civil society;
- Strengthening youth minorities participation in democratic processes;
- Ensuring young minorities’ access to rights;
- Liaising with national, regional and local authorities on the topics of anti discrimination, intersectionality and equality;
- The basics of democratic activism in Europe;
- The use of CoE instruments and resources on Youth Sector Priorities.
Trainers and facilitators from linguistic and ethnic minority backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply and will be given priority in the recruitment process.
Responsibilities of the trainer
- Get familiar with the project.
- Attend the online preparation meetings.
- Prepare session outlines well in advance, facilitate sessions and deliver them using non-formal education techniques in person in Brussels, Belgium during the indicated time period (January 30th to February 1st).
- Conduct an evaluation with the coordinator during the training and a final evaluation after the event.
- Prepare a final report 15 days after the training at the latest.
Contract conditions
- The trainer fee is €300 in total. (2 half days for delivering the trainings and 2 days for preparation)
- The preparation meetings will take place online (date to be confirmed, it will be decided according to the trainers’ availability)
- The meeting will take place in-person in Brussels, Belgium (hybrid mode) and will last for 2 days, plus 1 day of traveling beforehand, from January 30th to February 1st.
- Online platform access and tools will be provided by the organizers if needed.
- Accommodation, food and travel costs will be covered for the in-person events. There will be catering for lunches on the 31st and the 1st, and for the rest of meals (breakfast and dinners) a total of 60€ will be provided to the trainer to cover them
- The trainer fee will be paid after the completion of the service and upon the presentation of an invoice by the trainer.
How to apply?
Please apply by completing the application webform: APPLICATION FORM
The deadline to apply is January 7th, 2024 at 23:59 CET and all applicants will be contacted shortly during the week afterwards. If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to