Call for Participants | Spring Federal Committee Meeting 2024
Tartu, Estonia 12-14 April
JEF Europe, JEF Estonia and JEF Finland are launching the call for the Spring 2024 Federal Committee which will take place in Tartu, Estonia from 12th to 14th April.
Do you need to refresh your memory on what JEF Europe’s Federal Committee (FC) is? What does it do? Who are its members? Check out our website: https://jef.eu/about-jef/people/#federal-committee
You can also learn more about the Political Commissions (https://jef.eu/jef-europe-policies/#political-commissions) and the Task Forces (https://jef.eu/jef-europe-policies/#task-forces) composing the FC.
If you’re new to attending JEF Europe statutory meetings, why not join our Buddy Programme for the FC? We want to connect first-time FC attendees with experienced JEFers to ensure our new attendees feel welcome in JEF Europe. To sign up here, please indicate your preference in the FC registration form below. You will receive more detailed information once you sign up.
Practical Information
Deadline for Applications
Please apply here by 21st January 2024.
Participation Fees
- 55€ for the FC delegates (FC delegates: the directly elected members of the FC; the members of JEF Europe’s Executive Board, and the national delegates.
The FC delegates who register by the deadline are automatically accepted, and are invited to pay their participation fee and book their travel arrangements with no need to wait for the confirmation of the Secretariat.
What is a National Delegate? Each national section of JEF appoints ONE delegate to the FC: it can be the International Officer, the President, the Vice-President, etc. Please note that there is only ONE national delegate per section to the FC, regardless of the size of the section. Register as a national delegate ONLY if you were appointed as such by your section: we will double check with each section the name of their national delegate.
- 80€ for Observers
An Observer is a member of JEF who is not a National Delegate (and so has no voting rights to the FC), but who is interested in taking part in the discussions, learning more about the work of the FC, and attending an international JEF event.
Observers should wait for the confirmation by the European Secretariat (rolling basis) before issuing the payment of their registration fee and booking their travel arrangements. Please note that if we receive more applications from Observers than the number of spots available, a waiting list will be put in place, in case of cancellations.
Please note that paying the participation fee or booking your transport to Tartu before receiving the confirmation email from the Secretariat will in no way guarantee your participation.
- Participation fees of all participants should arrive by 8th February 2024. Once you pay, please send a proof of payment to invoices@jef.eu. For Observers selected after this date, the payment should arrive after receiving their confirmation email.
If you are an FC Delegate, your participation is automatically confirmed and you do not need to wait for our confirmation to send your participation fee.
- Please don’t forget to write “[Your name and surname] Spring FC 2024” in the transaction message, to make sure your payment is seen. If you are making a group payment, please include ALL names of people you will be paying for.
Bank: Fortis BNP Paribas
Account holder: JEF AISBL
Account number: 001-1128794-81
IBAN number: BE36 0011 1287 9481
- The participation fee covers two nights (Friday 12th and Saturday 13th April) in a shared room and all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. If you plan to arrive before or leave after, you should make your own arrangements for the extra nights, this will not be covered by JEF Europe.
JEF Europe Solidarity Fund – Travel Reimbursement
- The Solidarity Fund is designed to support the participation of individual members of JEF, whose financial situation makes it difficult to cover their travel costs (e.g. students with few resources, unemployed, young professionals with a student loan…), and whose national or local JEF section cannot cover their travel costs. If you wish to apply to benefit from the Solidarity Fund, please submit your application through this Google Form.
- The available support is limited to a maximum of 250€ per person for this event and subject to unit cost regulations by the European Commission (more information to be found here). Please note that the travel costs are reimbursed after the event, upon presentation of your original travel documents and invoices, sent by the post to the European Secretariat with the duly completed reimbursement form.
- Please note that the Solidarity Fund is available for a limited number of participants, as it depends on the co-funding and grants we receive. The deadline to apply is on 21st January 2024. You will receive a reply by 28th January 2023 the latest. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ALSO APPLY VIA THE REGISTRATION FORM.
Other Information
- The detailed agenda will be sent by email to the participants. The FC will start on Friday 12th April late afternoon and end on Sunday 14th April at around lunchtime.
- If a visa is required for your travel to Estonia and you require signed proof from JEF Europe that you will be attending the event, please email sg@jef.eu.
- The FC will be held in English.
- For any questions, feel free to contact Judit Lantai at sg@jef.eu.