Call to renew JEF Europe’s Pool of Trainers
Pool of Trainers
JEF Europe is renewing its Pool of Trainers and is therefore looking for motivated individuals interested in being part of a group of trainers ready to provide facilitation, moderation and training services to JEF Europe and its sections.
The mandate of the current Pool of Trainers runs until the end of 2023 but we have a few spots that opened due to people having to renounce their commitment due to other roles and responsibilities. Therefore, we are opening up the Pool for the upcoming months for these few spots, and will do a completely new mandate from 2024 onwards with a new call. Members of this mandate, from the beginning or from June this year, will have the possibility to reapply to be a part of the Pool.
We are looking for young people with experience and expertise in non-formal education to join our Pool of Trainers from June 2023 to December 2023. The main role and tasks of the Pool of Trainers are to:
- Assist JEF Europe and JEF sections towards the quality implementation of the educational activities.
- Support the implementation of the educational activities aimed at capacity building of local, regional and national JEF sections and other activities as part of the work-plans of JEF Europe.
- Develop modules and methods for non-formal educational activities and approaches for European civic education in a diverse learning environment.
- Serve as a human resource that JEF Europe can also promote outside of its network to other partner organisations.
Trainer’s profile
You can apply as either a senior or a junior trainer. All trainers should have some expertise and experience of in either:
- Campaigns and elections processes;
- Youth participation;
- Intersectionality and anti-discrimination;
- Knowledge on situations of different vulnerable groups (including but not limited to LGBTQI+, ethnicity, racialised groups, people with disabilities, language minorities, religious minorities, etc);
- Working within multicultural settings;
- Working within a team and being a team player;
- NGO management;
- Volunteer management.
- Extensive experience in facilitation and moderation of activities and events involving a variety of stakeholders;
- Experience as a trainer and/or coordinator of a team of trainers in training activities;
- Strong institutional awareness and competence to deliver activities in the area of advocacy;
- Competence to organise an activity in cooperation with JEF Europe and its sections.
- Experience in facilitation and moderation of activities and events;
- Experience as a trainer in training activities (desirable);
- Understanding the work of JEF Europe;
- Member of a JEF section;
- Competence to organise an activity in cooperation with a senior trainer and JEF Europe.
Selection procedure
Applications for the Pool of Trainers will be considered by the JEF Europe Secretariat. The selection will be based on the profile of the applicant and the general quality of the application. Preference will be given to JEF members.
What to expect from the membership in the Pool of Trainers?
- The selected trainers will be invited to commit to the Pool of Trainers for the upcoming months. They will have to show availability to facilitate various activities throughout these months, both online and offline.
- JEF Europe will organise at least one face-to-face meeting of the Pool of Trainers throughout the 7 months.
- According to the adopted Resolution on the Pool of Trainers of JEF Europe, the remuneration is 60 euros for a junior trainer (VAT included) day/trainer and 100 euros for a senior trainer (VAT included) day/trainer.
- The mandate of the trainer will start from the day of signing a contract and will last for 7 months, till December 2023.
DEADLINE to apply: June 1st, 2023
For any inquiries, please contact: Michela Procoli at and Andrew Micallef at